About Me

I’m Melissa Dawn and I’m addicted to making stuff.

I love to create tiny things and experiment with different art mediums including polymer clay, foam, painting, Worbla, and recycled materials. If you have the crafting itch and a nerdy streak, you’re in the right place! I’m always trying new things, gluing my fingers together, and “experimenting” (read: making mistakes), come hang out with me on this channel! I share all my crafting processes, favorite materials and tools, and a behind the scenes look at how multimedia crafting can work in a tiny space.

7 responses to “About Me”

  1. Happy Avatar

    Hello Lyssa 🙂 I am a friend of your mom (Tita Florina), actually my mom and your mom are friends 🙂 and I had the opportunity to see your stuff when I visited your mom. You are really so gifted, I really admire your work. The details in each earring and ring is just so beautiful. I love artsy craftsy stuff… anything from scrapbooking, multi media art, dough art ,bead art and so much more. Sometimes, whenever I get so stressed with work and other stuff I just go online and check out artsy craftsy sites and I become dreamy again 😉 I want to share with you one the sites i visit , I ‘m not sure if you know Christy Tomlinson but she is a mixed media artist doing artsy craftsy stuff and she does workshops too. Here is her site: http://www.christytomlinson.typepad.com . By the way Lyssa, maybe you can make iPhone ( not that i have one, Im a blackberry girl actually, hehe) dust plugs just like these cute kitty iPhone dust plugs using your clay or even your silver: http://www.ioffer.com/i/cute-cat-dust-cover-f-iphone-4-4s-3-5mm-ear-jack-phone-518754883. iPhone accessories are such a hit hear in the Philippines.


    1. melissadawnmakes Avatar

      Thank you so much! I’m glad you like my work. Artsy things are such a great stress reliever! Oo, dust plugs! That would be so fun! I could do little foods and fun designs! Thank you for the idea! I’m an android girl, so I’d never thought about iPhone accessories.


  2. Lyssa Avatar

    You have the same name as me and I thought that I was the only one wow was I wrong :/


    1. melissadawnmakes Avatar

      Haha hi Lyssa! There aren’t many of us, I think. Nice to meet you!


  3. Bret Avatar

    Hello Melisa, my name is Bret and I am writing an article about the Mass Effect series and what it is that has made it so special to fans and I saw your blog post about how your fiance proposed in a Mass Effect themed way and would love to include this in my article. I know that you are incredibly busy but would you have time for an interview? If you are available for an interview I am willing to conduct it in whatever way is best for you, whether it is by email, phone call, what ever is easiest for you. If you would like to contact me, you can email me at bmq12@my.fsu.edu

    Thank you very much for your time and have a fantastic week!


    1. melissadawnmakes Avatar

      Wow! Thanks so much! I just sent you an email! 😀


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